Saturday, June 6, 2009

dog days

the process is in motion... today, the girls put the dog on a plane and sent him this way. I was a little nervous for the poor guy. Imagine putting a two year old on a plane and sending him half way around the world with no real idea what the hell was going on. But he made it here ok and seems to be doing pretty well. he took a few seconds to figure out that he knew me... but just as quickly, he started to wag his tail and lean against me thru the kennel fence trying for a rub.

in one week, almost a year and a half of separation comes to an end... i get the girls back. not even sure I'm prepared for how excited I'm going to be to get them here and to be able to touch them and hug them.... everyday! whenever I want to... reminds me... you watch these reality shows... survivor, biggest loser, big brother, you name it.. and the people complain and whine about missing their families and all that.. makes me ill. my family has been separated for the better part of three years. not even something i can explain... unless you've had even a taste of what separation is, you wouldn't get it. i honestly want to punch these people that sob because they've been away from family for 30 days... seriously, I'd KILL for my next separation to be 30 DAYS... that's NOTHING, a JOKE... my 5-year-old could do 30 days without batting an eye... i know, everyone's different and we don't all chose the life that I have... ok, i get that... still think these people suck but ok

I am so tired i hurt all over... and i have a headache.

The state of hawaii made an enemy of the wrong man today... those of you who know my other half, I'm completely different from her. No heart and a venomous SOB. I know my short comings...


  1. i am really sorry about the whole thing with kona.Those guys are jerks for not letting us take pics and you being able to spend time with him!!!it is our dog for crying out loud!!Have fun with kona today and tell him i love him!!:)

  2. Poor sweet Kona bear. I am sooooo going to miss him and all of you. If I could just stop crying for a minute maybe I'd realize that this is not good-bye but until later...*sniff* *sniff* I love you all. {{hugs}}


  3. get in the jeep put on black flag and throw the horns bro family coming soon!!!!!!adam

  4. Suuuper happy for you guys! Can't wait to read the reunion post ;)
