Thursday, June 4, 2009

One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested

fairly slow day. not entirely post worthy but i made a commitment.

had a dental appointment today, got the teeth cleaned.

after work i came back to the "room" Bob and I are sharing... sat and watched sportscenter and got ready for a run. bob was at his house cleaning (he's moving to the mainland next week) so he can turn his keys in and be done with his house. so i got good and stretched and got the iPod situated... ran to the Chili Peppers tonight... was in a Chili Peppers' mood all day in fact.

so i headed off down the street toward Pearl Harbor... the Officer's Club sits right on the water and there's a walking/running path behind it that follows lazily along the water behind the houses. as i was running i could see Ford Island off to my left... the water was so still, almost like a lake... so as i'm running i drift off to thoughts of the attack here on Dec 7, 1941... you do that a lot here, especially when you are a military guy working and meeting in buildings that were standing when the base was attacked... some of the buildings have bullet holes in them still. it's a surreal thing to see. then i also see the USS Missouri and the Arizona Memorial everyday as I drive to work right past them... but anyway, back to the run... so I start think about being in that exact spot on the day the attacked happened. it's a weird thing to do... i did the same thing in NYC at the site of the World Trade Center. I imagine it's a normal thing to do... we see so much of the images growing up and in movies... and in the case of 9/11... we watched it unfold. wasn't thinking anything specific... just how insane the whole thing had to be... the fear for families as guys ran to work and to help. one moment you're in paradise, the next you're in hell.

anyway, as i reach roughly the 2 mile mark of the run... the sky opens up and it begins to pour, and i start laughing... i'm no where near shelter and I'm not going to stop... so i just keep going and and actually enjoy it... why do we run from the rain... why don't we ever stop and enjoy a good drenching... i'm not going to melt and it feels good, makes you feel young again.

so the last two miles of the run I'm drenched to the skin... every inch of me... only bad thing is my shoes are soaked and probably will take a day or two to dry completely but i had a blast. got back to the room, took off my shirt outside and wrung it out... then realized my Jeep was sitting out there with no top on it... completely soaked so I grab the keys and jump in and drive it around to the covered parking in back... JUST AS THE RAIN STOPS.

Damn the luck... but it's a Jeep, supposed to get wet.

More tomorrow... nothing exciting on the schedule but who knows what tomorrow will bring... i have a meeting with people that drive me insane so maybe that will inspire me


  1. i do that too. i think about what happened where i am. before me, before I even existed. i can't imagine the overwhelming feelings you would have being there i hope gets easier but doesn't seem easier, does that make sense. i guess you never really want to be desensitized to something like that.
    when you told me about the rain that night, i about fell over. it was such a rush. because i had been doing the exact same thing. actually, thinking about it now makes me really emotional. i was mowing the lawn, for the very last time. and the sky opened up. and i soaked it all in. not only did i finish mowing, but i decided to trim the trees in it. i didn't want to get out of the rain. i lingered, stayed, found more work for myself to do, out in the pouring rain. it's hard to believe we did this together, so seperately. well, maybe it's not so hard to believe. we're connected like that:)
    keep blogging, i so love reading your voice. really, you have a great gift.

  2. dude you rock keep them coming! want the head shaved but not gonna hate. still searching on a great place for you to adventure it will come soon

  3. it rains nearly every day in hawaii. rainbows every where. wait till the summer. hot & humid. lots of rain.

  4. I was actually thinking about that this weekend. I was wondering how it would be to live there, and see pearl harbor everyday. I was completely fascinated/moved with that whole event- I watched the movie 6 times one summer- but military stuff has always been fascinating to me.

    My favorite part of this post, tho, had to be seeing Carrie's comment. So close, yet so far. Hats off to you, Carrie, Nat and Em, for handling it SO well. It's pretty inspirational.
