Sunday, January 4, 2009

Like it or not... I'm here

OK... so after watching from the sidelines for some time now, I've decided to take my thoughts to the blog. Funny... as I sit here typing this I'm actually laughing... wondering how this all might unfold -- doing this is so freakin outside my comfort zone it's comical.  I'm not even sure what brought this on but now that I'm here... 

ok... I'm a husband and a father.  I live with the three most amazing people on the planet... professionally I'm what we'll call a "publicist"... explaining it would take more time than I care to so go with that.  ok... 

so... some of you people probably follow my better half... let me apologize up front for, well... me.  she's sweet, intelligent, and kind... I'm not.  so if you're on the net, perusing blogs for cheerful, inspirational stuff... you might be a one-time shopper here on my site... 

The person sitting on my shoulder suggests I tell you what you WILL find here.... as she giggles like a thirteen-year-old... (ok, that got her out of here!)...  Here at The Daily Shrug you'll find one man's take on his own existence... my trials, struggles, successes, failures, and celebrations... things I see that I like and the things I see that piss me off... books, movies, food, whatever strikes me as important enough to go on about... 

so... a quick look at my life (today anyway)... we're at the grocery store and the wife grabs this milk-carton-looking -thing of some kind of salt crap... she's all sorts of excited saying something about it being relaxing in a hot bath... of course, she's thinking about me because yesterday I cleaned the unclean-able (if that's not a word just go with it) garage... on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor...yeah, I went nuts! I'm paying for it today and she knew it... so we get home, make dinner, clean up... while I'm throwing the dishes in the washer she starts a bath for me and adds this life-changing salt crap... I'm going to admit... I'm a bit excited about the relaxation headed my way.  and I'm not a "product guy"... hell, I use my daughter's shampoo (she's 4!) if that tells you anything... anyway, I get in, nothing earth-shattering takes place.. I complain to the woman and she says "just wait till you get out"... ok... here's my point to this diatribe... my muscles don't hurt anymore or at least I don't think they do... why you might ask? Because that salt crap sucked every ounce of oil/water out of my skin and I feel like a shammy left in the sun after washing the car... my skin is dry and hurts!  so I just drenched my body in my daughter's Bedtime Lotion (lavender I think) says on the bottle 
"helps calm and relax baby"... next time I'll skip the salt-curing and just go for the lavender!

One other rant while I'm at it... the other day I'm watching Ole Miss play Texas Tech... decent game but was pulling for Tech.  But you know those PR commerials the schools run during the game?  Yeah, so Ole Miss (The Rebels) a school who still flys the "rebel flag" runs their ad... It shows a very attractive and very blonde girl getting out of her very white and obviously very rich Daddy's Benz in front of the school with nothing but attractive white kids walking around... I didn't see one black kid anywhere (yeah, I'll say black and not African American)... but anway... maybe because I'm in that line of work it struck me as a very poor PR spot, but Good God... you're on a national stage and have an incredible opportunity to show the nation you're NOT a bunch of rich, white, rebel flag waving, ignoramouses, and you go with THAT?  Jackasses. 

oh... If you care or were wondering... "The Daily Shrug"... is a tribute to the greatest book ever written... "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. I'll write more on that later... rereading the book for the umteenth time and have  some thoughts we'll get to in a later blogthing.

Until tomorrow... 

ps... I had to look up the word lavender.. I didn't know how to spell it. 


  1. welcome to blogworld honey. i don't know how it happened but I'm glad you're here :)
    oh and you seriously crack me up.
    love you~

  2. welcome handsome! Very good, keep humoring me! I think I will go take a bath, with 4-year-old, bath gel, shampoo and condition all-in-one.

  3. wahoo! carrie's hubby's got a blog. you're in trouble now mr shrug!

  4. technically, it's salt BRINING, not curing.


  5. OK Mr. Matt, that was absolutely hysterical. Who knew you had all the inner ramblings of a great blogger??? Too funny. You just cracked me up. Now you are in trouble because I'm now expecting to get my daily shrug fix so......get to blogging Mr.!!! Heh

  6. Welcome welcome. I'm a follower of Carrie's, and am very much looking forward to the "other side" :) And I agree with you on the Old Miss comments. I think they just decided to be truthful, though, they are a bunch of rich white southern people, and I doubt anybody not fitting those descriptors wishes to go there, so why would they want to alienate their particular demographic base? God forbid a rich white dad see that and refuses to let his kid and his money go to the school because *gasp* there are black kids there. People are stupid, but it's reality. Good eye, though, so many people miss those subtleties!
